“We rely on referrals.” Is it time to stick a rocket up your property marketing?

Why your customer’s problem is the only thing that matters.

Referrals are hugely valuable to any business. But can you sustain your business on them long term? Probably not.

There’s no denying how much value a personal recommendation can have to a business. It signals an already warm lead has just walked in through the door, or landed in your inbox. Plus, it’s always nice to know that you’ve left a lasting impression with your previous customers and they’re still talking about you!

Everyone loves that warm fuzzy feeling a referral gives you.

But if you’re relying primarily on referrals to bring in revenue, then chances are you’re not actively doing any actual marketing. Or if you are, then your current property marketing simply isn’t working hard enough for you as it’s not generating you sales. 

So, which one is it?

When you market properly, which always starts and ends with absolute clarity based upon understanding exactly what your customer wants, and the problem you solve for those you’re targeting – always communicating ONLY this, that is when you get results.

Sounds a bit too straight forward doesn’t it? Marketing has been made far too complicated. Nobody knows your business better than you, but it can be daunting to strip back to what feels like basics and focus on the very simple core of exactly what your customer wants and how you help them to overcome their problem (the problem to which you are the solution!).

So your business might be doing well, and attracting a whole host of referrals, but if you’re honest it could be doing even better if you were to market effectively. It’s important to take a bit of time to build a solid foundation for your property marketing to stand on so that you can be confident that any investment you make to attract new business is well spent and will produce results.

It all starts with identifying the problem you solve for your customer. And if you’re not sure exactly what that single problem is, we can help. Book a 15-minute call with us and let us help you to stick a rocket up your business – we promise it won’t hurt!


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